Mulberry Class Page

Welcome to Mulberry’s Class Page!

Our Teacher is Mr Sesemann.

Please explore the pages below to help further support your child at home and to find out what learning and fun we are having!

Art - Paper Allotment

As spring arrives, we were fortunate enough to have the Primary Arts team come into our school and provide us with two wonderful workshops involving artwork around allotments and nature. We made cabbages, peas, carrots, a veg patch and flower window panes. It was all made from paper! Take a look at some of our artwork below.

How can something so small grow into a tree, which is such an incredibly BIG thing to be?

It Starts with a Seed - Laura Knowles and Jennie Webber

Our new core text is plants, seeds and growing. We are focus on this story with beautiful illustrations about a sycamore seed that starts life out as a humble seed and grows throughout the seasons to become a magnificent tree. Can you spot any sycamore trees around Forest Hill? What other trees can you identify around our local area?

If you enjoyed It Starts with a Seed, why not try…

Famous Nurses - A trip to the Florence Nightingale Museum

As a culmination to our topic Famous Nurses, we went to visit the Florence Nightingale Museum where we dressed up as soldiers in the Crimean War, Florence Nightingale and in modern day nurse uniforms. We also visited the Mary Seacole statue that stands tall outside St. Thomas’ Hospital.

Mass in maths

In maths we have been learning about measurement. The vocabulary that we have focused on includes: mass, weight, kilograms, grams, heavier and lighter. Furthermore, we have learned about measuring length and height as well as temperature.

“Grandma, what large teeth you have!” gulped Little Red.

Little Red Riding Hood

Our new core text is about traditional tales and we are focusing on ‘Little Red Riding Hood’. This story is a classic and there are many innovated versions of the story. You could try reading other versions and find out for yourself what really happened at Grandma’s cottage!

If you enjoyed Little Red Riding Hood, why not try…

World Book Day 2023

For World Book Day this year, we got to have an illustration workshop with writer and illustrator, Fiona Woodcock. We learnt make prints with linoleum and that mixing colours over one another creates unique patterns and illustrations.

The sun shone, the sky was an infinite blue, and Emily’s flowers blew in the wind.

Eric’s Big Day

Our new core text is ‘Eric’s Big Day’ written by Rod Waters. This story is about a young child called Eric who helps out people whilst on his way to see his friend Emily. Can you spot what race this is inspired from?

The fun story is a great way for children to learn about recounts as we will explore, progressive verbs, apostrophes and more!

If you enjoyed Eric’s Big Day, why not try…

Geography - Our Local Area

In Geography, we have been learning about Forest Hill and what can be found here. We have seen from Ordnance Survey maps and aerial photographs that there are many main roads, buildings, green spaces and schools. We even have our own Museum!

World Book Day 2023

For World Book Day this year, we got to have an illustration workshop with writer and illustrator, Lisa Levis. We learnt how to draw with our scissors, a technique that we have used in other areas of our creative learning since learning this skill.

Design and Technology

In preparation for our half term project, we learnt some different ways to attach 2 materials together.

We learnt how to make and use: a flange, a hinge and a slot.

After designing our chairs, we got to work on making them! They had to fit and hold the penguin teddy. We used junk material and our material attaching skills to make it.

Then we got to test it! Our chair was successful if the penguin could sit on it without the chair falling over or breaking.

Geography - The Seaside

We learnt how to use a map to find the seaside in the UK. We tried different types of maps: an atlas or an iPad. We found Broadstairs on the map, we can’t wait to visit soon!

Number Day 2023

For Number day this year, Mulberry drew around their feet. We then used these to measure the length, height and width of objects around school.

Forest School

We have been exploring the forest and using the natural resources around us to make some interesting things!

Nature Bracelets

Using sellotape, ribbon and a hole punch, we made bracelets. We foraged for some leaves or flowers to decorate it. Then we sorted our findings into a pattern, stuck them to the tape and added a ribbon. We were so happy with the results, some children made some for their family at home.

Journey Sticks

We picked our favourite stick and used string to attach all of the interesting or unusual things that we found.


Inspired by the flourishing forest, Mulberry made beautiful patterns using leaves, sticks and stones they could find around the forest.

Picture Frames

Using our lashing skills we learnt from making the Journey Sticks, we made picture frames. Then we use the forest to capture some pictures!

That’s Not A Stick!

We read ‘That’s Not a Stick’ by Antoinette Portis. Mulberry explored the forest to find their ‘not a stick’.

We found: swords, walking sticks, kebab sticks, fishing rods and so much more!


We got VERY messy!


Mulberry learnt who in the world would wear a crown and why. Then we foraged in our forest to create our own crowns.

We used leaves, sticks and flowers that caught our eye, some of use even used the mud to paint our crowns!

Toasting Marshmallows

Mr Pickering came with us to forest school. We foraged for sticks and helped build the fire. The marshmallows were delicious! We also learnt how to safely distinguish a fire.

Bird Feeders

Using pipe cleaners and cereal, we made some bird feeders. Once we decided how large we wanted our feeder to be, we used our threading skills to thread the cereal through the pipe cleaner. Then we tied it up, added some string, and hung it up around the forest!


We have been learning about Toys from the past and comparing them to our toys we play with today.

We were looking at how toys change as we grow older. Miss Roche asked us to think about different toys with wheels. We could think of toy cars, toy trains, toy prams, and bikes.

Here we are discussing how wheels change as we grow up. We used a timeline to order them from wheels we use as babies (0 years old), to wheels we use as 5 year olds.

Playground games from the past

We explored some playground games that children might have played in the past. Our favourite game was ‘What’s the Time Mr Wolf?”

In this playground game, we were not allowed to use our arms to stand up. We linked arms with our partner and had to all stand up at the same time! It was harder than it looks…

Then we played ‘Here we go round the Mulberry bush’, we took turns being the leader and gave the class actions to do with the song.

Toys from Around the World at Horniman Museum

We visited Horniman Museum for a workshop on different toys from around the world. There were different toys from Russia, Kenya, Guatemala, China, and France; then we got to play with them!

This doll is the oldest toy at Horniman Museum. It is over 100 years old and her head is made from the core of an apple!


We designed and created our own smoothies. They were delicious!

The Nativity

Mulberry dressed as Snowflakes for the Nativity performance. Our costumes were brilliant and we had so much fun performing to our adults!