Design and Technology


At Horniman School we aim to create creative and imaginative designers who are able to solve real life problems through the development of technical and practical skills, designing, making and evaluating. 

Children develop their ability to evaluate existing products and be creative in solving problems. They design and make a variety of products involving structures, mechanical systems, electrical systems and computer programming. Children are given the practical skills to cook basic meals and develop essential cooking life skills. They will develop an understanding of a balanced diet, seasonality, how and where food is grown and how we can live more sustainably. 

They will find out about significant designers from diverse backgrounds and understand the positive impact design can make to our lives. 


Key concepts  

Evaluate- evaluate, test and critique existing products and own and others designs  

Design – design solutions to real life problems based on design criteria 

Make - make high quality prototypes and products using a range of skills, tools and materials 


This is taught through the following strands where children learn technical knowledge and apply skills: 

Structures- understand how to make structures stronger, stiffer and more stable 

Mechanisms – understand and use a range of mechanisms such as levers, sliders, wheels and axles, gears, pulleys and cams 

Electrical systems - understand and use electrical systems [for example, series circuits incorporating switches, bulbs, buzzers and motors] 

Programming - apply understanding of computing to program, monitor and control their products. 

Textiles - understand how to join and embellish a range of fabrics  

Food and Nutrition - understand what makes a healthy and varied diet, know where and how a variety of ingredients are grown, reared, caught  and prepare and cook a variety of dishes using a range of cooking techniques  

Click here for an overview of Design and Technology at Horniman School

Year 2 Designing and Making bread